Can You Fail a Drug Test From Using CBD?

drug test

Those who may be subject to drug testing frequently ask, “Will taking Hemp Bombs’ CBD products cause me to fail a drug test?” The simple answer is no, our products will not cause you to fail a drug test. Here is more information on CBD products and drug tests.


What is CBD?

CBD, or Cannabidiol, is the second most prevalent chemical compound in Hemp behind THC. CBD does not have psychogenic properties, however, it still provides medicinal and therapeutic benefits CBD is used as a natural treatment for a wide variety of conditions, including:

CBD is effective because it works in harmony with the body’s Endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is responsible for regulating processes like sleep, mood, and digestion.

A drug test is a chemical analysis of biological material to determine if a person has recently used or consumed illegal substances.  A standard drug test will indicate the presence of drugs including opiates, cocaine, methamphetamine, oxycodone and more. Drug tests are commonly administered as part of employment policies, whether to maintain employment or to begin working for a new company.

How are drug tests administered?

Drug tests can be performed on most bodily fluids or biological materials. Most commonly, drug tests use urine, blood, hair, sweat or saliva drug test for analysis. Samples are usually collected in a medical facility, like a doctor’s office or diagnostic clinic, then analyzed either in-house or by a third-party lab. Home drug tests are also available for fast and private testing.

How do drug tests detect marijuana use?

Drug tests do not check for all components found in cannabis plants. Rather, standard drug tests look specifically for THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychogenic component of Cannabis plants that causes a “high.” THC is illegal in many states, which is why it is included on most drug tests.

hemb bomb products

Will Hemp Bombs CBD products cause me to fail a drug test?

No! Our products contain CBD isolate, meaning we offer cannabidiol in its purest form. All Hemp Bombs products contain no traces of THC and we verify this with a third-party lab. Since there is no THC in our products, there will be no THC in your system. Therefore, you will be fine to take a drug test without testing positive for marijuana use. We are extremely confident about the purity of our CBD, and we’ve never heard feedback of any customers testing positive for marijuana from our products. Also, because our products are THC-free, they are completely legal in all 50 states.

Other CBD products on the market are considered “full spectrum,” meaning they still contain a small amount of THC. While the overall percentage of THC in these products is low, there is still a chance you could fail a drug test. If you are concerned about drug tests, your only truly safe option is to choose a brand that offers CBD isolate products.

How can I verify your products contain no THC?

We maintain full transparency about what’s in our products, so you can have confidence in the CBD you are buying. We have all our products regularly tested by a third-party laboratory to confirm our CBD is pure and free of THC.

What are some other tips for making sure I pass a drug test?

While our products will not cause you to test positive for drug use, there are other factors that could result in a failed test. Here are our tips for making sure everything goes smoothly during your drug test:

Inform your employer and/or drug test provider of any medications you are taking, whether prescription or over-the-counter. This includes pain relievers, sleep aids, allergy medications, and cough suppressants.

If you have also tried CBD products from other companies, verify the THC levels in the products you consumed. Remember that full spectrum CBD could result in a positive test for marijuana use.

Avoid secondhand exposure to illegal drug use. This includes marijuana smoke.

When you purchase Hemp Bombs’ products, we can assure you that our CBD will not affect your drug test. Aside from offering CBD in its purest form, we also use premium quality Industrial Hemp to produce our CBD. Our CBD is non-GMO, organic-certified and free of harmful pesticides and metals. We also manufacture all products in-house, giving us complete control of its quality. We work with third-party labs and a professional legal team to assure we maintain compliance in the CBD industry.

Contact our customer service team if you have any additional questions about CBD and drug testing.

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